Monday, February 27, 2006

Sometimes, Thinking of A Witty Title is Too Hard

Ok, so I printed the blog from last week (24 pages). That should be some nice reading later on. Now I feel like you'll be disappointed this week when you have a real assignment. And that did worry me, for like a whole second.

This week, let's do this:

I want you to make another list. Remember the "Five Things I Love" list? Well, let's just do the opposite. What really gets under your skin? And remember, you need to be specific.

Five Things I Hate/Dislike/Do Not Love

1. I truly despise how the WB seems to have no intentions of releasing the second season of Everwood on DVD, but continues to put out DVD after DVD of 7th Heaven. (Come on!)
2. I do not love when I go to the gym and people get on an elliptical machine next to me, and they try to watch me when I type in my weight. That's going to start a fight one day. So if you see it on the news, just explain to your parents that I'm usually not violent at all, but that my weight is not for looking at. Plain and simple.
3. I hate, and I mean hate, when people try to show me pictures of themselves doing things that I do not care about, like taking some trip. And what's especially bad is when they have about 100,000 pictures of the same trip, because they just love to take pictures of themselves, and then they somehow think that I want to see them all. I mean, ten or so is fine and dandy, but after that, it's pretty much over for me.
4. I cannot stand people who wear masks, but most definitely if the mask is black and white. Like the man in the Saw movies, or the man in the new movie V for Vendetta. I can't handle that because, obviously, it is terrifying. I mean, I think that's probably clear to everyone.
5. It's very hard for me when people refuse to admit that I'm right, because, just like the mask thing, I feel like that's usually pretty clear to everyone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sound Off

Ok, so here's a random post. We've done enough with the Anne Frank business (Good job on those by the way. The tolerance poems were good and your thoughts about that article were very, very interesting). So now, let's just do some easy, breezy, off the top of our head stuff this week. You guys said once that you'd like to do some freewriting on here, so this is your chance. You can say anything you want, anything at all. You could talk about the latest movie you saw (I watched Saw II at home this weekend and I'm not sure I'll ever quite get over that), things that you really love (I love it when people have Asian accents), things that you really hate (I really hate when first block leaves every day-ok, well I usually hate it), your current favorite song (I'm still loving "Seasons of Love" from Rent), your all-time favorite song ("Into the Mystic"), a book that you're reading (Gilead), something about you that people might not know (I am afraid of attics, choirs, and Jeepers Creepers), or anything else at all in the whole world that you feel like saying (Naturally, keep it school appropriate).

Monday, February 13, 2006

Tricky Questions

DUE: I'll print these off at 7.30 AM Tuesday, February 21. (You have a special day off Monday, February 20).

Using skimming and scanning techniques, and just reading through it for the main points and ideas, look over this article:

What do you think? What would you say to the author if you could talk to him?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Some Tolerance Poetry

DUE: By Monday morning (7.30 am) February 13, 2006
(I'm going to start doing this to avoid confusion- I think it'll be helpful)

Thinking about the theme of "tolerance," you have three options this week.

1. Fill in the following poem:

Tolerance is...
Tolerance feels like...
Tolerance sounds like...
Tolerance looks like...
Tolerance tastes like...
Tolerance smells like...
Tolerance is..

2. Fill in the following poem:

Tolerance is not...
Tolerance does not feel like...
Tolerance does not sound like...
Tolerance does not look like...
Tolerance does not taste like...
Tolerance does not smell like...
Tolerance is not...

3. Write a free verse/free form poem about tolerance.

Pick one, and get poetic.