Here's a definition for you:
voice: the sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human
Now, when we're talking about writing, voice has a different definition, technically. But, I (and I'm the one in charge) want you to think of it in terms of this definition. As in, the voice in your writing is the sound that it produces. Voice is possibly the most important part of writing because it is the thing that is either going to turn on (or turn off) a reader. Voice should be distinctive; it should be unique to you. Voice is the most natural part of writing, which is why it's also one of the most difficult things to teach. I can't tell you how to write with your own voice; you have to find that yourself. I can however, give you a few hints.
1. Be specific. Details make a big difference in how well your reader can picture what you're writing.
2. Pay attention to what every word is doing. Voice can come down to small decisions, and one word can make a difference in the way a sentence feels.
3. Use commas and punctuation to infuse your writing with emotion, with pauses, and with rhythm.
4. Trust your natural flow (I feel like a rapper). You're writing should sound like you talking.
5. Be true to yourself. Don't try to use words that are big so that you'll sound smarter than you are. Don't try to come off different on paper than you are in real life, because a reader can spot a phony. The tone feels apocryphal (Yeah... check out that stemword. I am a genius.)
For this post, I want you to choose and answer ONE of the following questions (in roughly 1-2 paragraphs because just a sentence or two will not be enough), and try to make sure that your natural writing voice is coming through. Pay attention to the way it sounds...does it sound like you? Read it out loud.
1. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
2. Do you like your own handwriting?
3. Who do you miss the most?
Now, this is very important: I want these to be anonymous. Meaning, you are NOT going to put your initials and/or name on them. I want to see if we can guess who said what, based on the quality of voice in the writing.
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