Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sound Off

Ok, so here's a random post. We've done enough with the Anne Frank business (Good job on those by the way. The tolerance poems were good and your thoughts about that article were very, very interesting). So now, let's just do some easy, breezy, off the top of our head stuff this week. You guys said once that you'd like to do some freewriting on here, so this is your chance. You can say anything you want, anything at all. You could talk about the latest movie you saw (I watched Saw II at home this weekend and I'm not sure I'll ever quite get over that), things that you really love (I love it when people have Asian accents), things that you really hate (I really hate when first block leaves every day-ok, well I usually hate it), your current favorite song (I'm still loving "Seasons of Love" from Rent), your all-time favorite song ("Into the Mystic"), a book that you're reading (Gilead), something about you that people might not know (I am afraid of attics, choirs, and Jeepers Creepers), or anything else at all in the whole world that you feel like saying (Naturally, keep it school appropriate).


Blogger kngrooms said...

Ok, so I get on the internet to order my sister some new checks and I decide to check on the good ole blog and what do I find? 34 comments. So, I think to myself "My goodness what's all this?" and I start to read them, and then shortly thereafter I start to die laughing. You guys are so funny, and I'm sure you don't even realize it. Anyway, thanks. My family got some pretty bad news this afternoon and I've been trying to decide what to do about work, like whether to come or not. (I'm going to come-because it's just easier this way.) Reading your comments just reminded me of how, even though sometimes you're annoying (just ever so slightly, like with the fact that your voices sometimes only seem to operate on one volume: extreme loudness), more often than not you make me laugh, and that made me feel better. Plus, I thought that I'd comment and say that, I've been watching American Idol, and I don't see how anyone stands Ryan Seacrest because he is the definition of obnoxious. Also, there was a commercial for a new super thin cell phone, the "Sliver," and I don't understand what the purpose of having a really, really thin cell phone would be. What are you going to do with it? Magic tricks?

9:54 PM  

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