Monday, March 13, 2006

Haiku Heaven (I know that's corny, but I couldn't resist.)

DUE: Monday, March 20 @ 7.30 AM.

Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. It didn't used to be that way. When I was younger, I loved the fall and winter most of all. It was only because I hated the heat so bad. I couldn't stand to sweat, and I used to swear that when I was older I was going to move to Maine because I couldn't stand all that hotness. Now though, and I'm not sure why, I look forward to the spring and even the summer, even the sweltering temperatures. I rather like them. You know how heat makes stuff clean...I feel like I'm cleansing myself or something...who knows.

Anyway, haiku is a fun thing. It's a poem, a really really short one, that's three lines long. The first line has 5 syllables, the second one has 7, and the third one has 5 again. You've done this before; I'm sure.

Haikus tend to be seasonal. That is, they tend to be written about nature. For this post, I want you to write a haiku about your favorite season. Haikus are one of my favorite types of poetry, because it is so simple. It's like one snapshot image of something you think really symbolizes that season.

An example:

My yellow t-shirt,
against my tan shoulder blades,
as my legs push on.

See, now that, to me, is summer time itself. Me, running, and I am oh just soooo tanned. Oh yeah...good times all around. That's the stuff.

I'm excited about reading these.


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